Few people realise, that SETI has actually been successful in searching for extra-terrestrial life. On two occasions, strong abnormal signals, proven to be artificial have been found. During Art Bells section on Coast to Coast AM, Dr. Greer stated this: (July 30 2006)
"We have confirmation that SETI has received signals "confirmed"as contact from an alien source. These multiple signals are increasing in number and frequency. Two inside sources from SETI have confirmed this information. Efforts are being made to get one of the sources (a senior official) to go public with this information. Since the beginning of the reception of these signals, a human force has attempted to "jam" these transmissions." -Dr. GreerDr. Greer notes that these signals are without-a-doubt extra-terrestrial. Although SETI denies these claims, it can be clearly noted now, that SETI is no longer a trust-worthy search for aliens.
Dr. Greers claims have been pounded against by SETI, but they are unlikely to sway him, or change the minds of anyone curious enough to go deeper.
Image of signal
Not surprising. Having read "Out There: the government's secret quest for extraterrestrials",....I doubt they'll ever come clean, without a fait accomplis, a...an invasion, or some other watershed event.
SETI was conceived after the decision to cover-up. Interesting book (above) by Howard Blum
Jayden, keep on posting. I'm not going to wait a year for your next post!
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM.
Rather the helpful information
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